Help Safeguard Your Personal Information From Cyber Predators
Cyber security is a broad term that encompasses the various measures that protect computers and networks from harm. The need for protection stems from the virus threats, keystroke logging programs, and spyware that exist today. To increase awareness about computer security,
Stop. Think. Connect.
Cyber attacks permanetly damage your computer, and cyber predators can steal your personal information and use elements of your identity to commit fraud. Protect your identity with the help of these tips from OS-Infotech India. Also visit the OS-Infotech India blog to join the dicussion on identity theft protection and information security.
Stop. Think. Connect.
Cyber attacks permanetly damage your computer, and cyber predators can steal your personal information and use elements of your identity to commit fraud. Protect your identity with the help of these tips from OS-Infotech India. Also visit the OS-Infotech India blog to join the dicussion on identity theft protection and information security.
- Stay up-to-date. Use a firewall as well as cyber security software, such as antivirus and antispyware, that will scan for computer security threats and uninstall them. Ensure all of your protection measures, as well as your operating system and software, are up to date. Also, change your passwords every 90 days for better information security.
- Shop with care. Before submitting credit card information online, look at the URL to ensure you're on a HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) site. Be wary if a site requires information that isn't necessary for a transaction. Information security is more important than anything you could buy.
- Laptop security. With the proper software installed, stolen laptops can be tracked to a physical location if they are connected to the Internet. Other software gives you remote access for computer security with the ability to erase your files or send them to a secure data center for recovery via the Web.

- Avoid spam and scams. Always question the legitimacy of emails and social networking messages that ask for money or personal information. Spear phishing attacks mimic communications from a business to persuade you to divulge personal information. Legitimate business won't contact you to verify your account.
- Network below the radar. Public profiles on social networking sites put you at risk by exposing information, such as your full birth date, hometown, employment history, etc., that a criminal could use to pose as you. Use privacy settings to ensure your personal information isn't public knowledge.
- Just don't. Don't open unknown attachments, don't click on unknown links, and don't share too much information online, That's a lot for don'ts but when your identity and computer could be at risk, it's better to play safe. The rewards aren't always worth the risks.

- Download with caution. Mobile phones can do more and be more personalized than ever before. Just be wary that you might pay the price when you download or purchase applications or ringtones. Some may come with a virus attached that steals your personal information.
- Use passwords Your mobile phone likely offers multiple layers of protection. At a minimum, activate PIN access to your phone. Also consider password protecting your email as well as any applications, such as banking or social networking, that provide access to sensitive information.
- Be wary of SMSishing. You may receive a counterfeit text message that appears to be from a legitimate bank or credit card company asking you verify your account information. Once you supply your information via phone or Web, it will be in the hands of criminals. Be aware of information security by knowing when to ignore a text message.